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I'm getting too old...

I had my house warming yesterday - finally. Invited a bunch of people, and somewhere along the road, I lost track of who and how many. Luckily there were a few cancellations, or I simply don't know where I should've put people (I was short on seating arrangments already).
I had a great time - thanks to all who showed up, and thanks to my downstairs neighbours, where we ended up late at night playing Guitar Hero and drinking Absinthe.

*edit* And thanks to Karina for the most excellent, and very in-tune with Piratpinde, treasure chest of piratey goodness (including an undead monkey).

I'm pretty wasted today - got up at 11.30 after just about 4½ hours of sleep. First time in years I've actually gone to the baker for breakfast BEFORE going to bed...
But there's still Ben & Jerry's in the freezer, cold coke in the fridge, and I just finished watching Transformers, so I'm about ready for another movie and doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. Aaaahhhh...

- looking forward to hitting the gym tomorrow though but today? Nuh-uh!

*edit* I suck at Guitar Hero when I'm drunk - except for "Mother" by Danzig...

*edit edit* So much for not doing anything. I had to wash the kitchen floor because it reeked of beer puddles and cigarette butts. I ought to wash the office floor as well, because I can still smell the Arnbitter spills, though that's more forgiveable than cigarette butts. Maybe tomorrow...