Yesterday was my first trip this season, and with me I had my colleagues Chekov and Jaco. It started out a bit weak - there was about 6 cars when we got there, but we grabbed a bite, and all of a sudden the place was packed.

- packed, I tells you...
- a pretty Mercedes.
- Ford based(?) pick-up rod? Loved the minimalistic feel.
- a Plymouth looking slightly angry.
- Ford Mustang's are a sure hit. Especially as cabrio. Classy, yet raw and brutal.
- Chekov is attacked by a huuuuge M.A.N. (ex)military truck.
- a Ford, I believe, with folding roof. Nice!
- Chevy Impala arriving.
- Old Ford Anglia. Sweet. Big hot rod potential here.
- Radically slammed Porsche Speedster. It was so low, I bet it was green on the underside when it left...
- Nice beamer! Gotta love the little BMW Isetta cabin scooters.
It was even parked next to the orange Reliant Robin, so you'd have the 2 three-wheelers next to eachother - one with the single wheel in front and one with the single wheel at the back. Cute.
- classic Rat Rod, with some pretty cool pin-striping.
- Opel Rekord coupé.
- RAAAWRRR!! The Mercury Cougar has one of the best fronts. See if you can spot the parts that turn and reveal the headlights.
- we got to try on a Citroen CX for size. It is a flagship. The seats were more comfortable than most recliners I've ever sat in.
- and inside the CX it was Starship Enterprise.... anno 1960. Citroen had some strange ideas - visionary, but strange.
- Camaro SS
- K.I.T.T. decided to show up without the 'Hoff.
Alfa Romeo arriving.
- absolutely stunning BMW.
- pitch black and wicked Chevy pickup arriving.
- not much of a motorcycle freak myself, this one however does deserve a mention. It's a Suzuki Intruder - with 1800cc engine. That's more engine than most average european cars are born with. Intruder - no shit.
These were just a few of the nice cars this time. Hopefully next time we'll stay a little longer, and bring barbecue and chairs for a cozy evening in the roar and smell of automotive history.