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...and I just cleaned the house...

It was great fun though - thanks to all who showed up... FOR RUINING MY HOME!!
- just kidding of course - next time will be my birthday around late august/early september. X marks the spot - put it in the calendar ;)

*edit* And to whoever brought the roof tile to my appartment and left it there for me to find at 5am, drunk and on my way to bed - that's just sick! Roof tiles go on the OUTSIDE - don't make me nervous like that again. I actually had to check the roof for missing tiles, when I went down with the garbage today...

SICK, I tells ya! :D

*edit 2* Ok, who ate my 2 incredibly pathetic discount burgers, which I had saved for tonight? That's just mean. I hope your conscience is black as night. You've forced me to go out for food... again... You just don't eat another persons hangover meal. Shame, shame on you...

*edit 3 (only 3 years later)* - so the roof tile has finally been refitted, after 3 years of pigeons inside the roof, and wall to wall pigeon shit outside my window :D