But those guys were beyond mad. I believe that at least one of them had an agonizing look on his face, when he surfaced after a jump. But I guess that's only fair, when you hit the surface with your ass first, from the 10 meter platform where most of the jumps took place from.
Anyways - here's a few (mediocre) pictures from the event. They really don't do the event justice. The volume of the splashes were half the experience.

- impact...

- good splash. Great height.

- impact...

- nice "wings". Looks almost like a swan.

- yes he rode it ALL the way down.

- tripple action...

- yes, curl up like a porcupine - good plan.

- nice overall volume.

Great fun overall - and especially the german guests were out of their heads.
Check out some videos and keep track on upcoming events here.