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Coffee and stardust...

- sounds like caffeine and cocaine orgy. It was nothing that drastic though (except for the caffeine part), but Jan got a little time-out from the twin-raising business, so yesterday we hooked up at Baresso (and they hooked us up with coffee). We later took a stroll through the local mall, and ended up staring at the movie posters at Cinemaxx (although I suspect he had planned it all in advance). Fortune had it that we could just make the afternoon showing of "Stardust", and despite a rather gay looking (yes I am once again using that term negatively...) poster, the movie was fab. It's a really well written, and well told adventure, with everything that particular genre should contain. And a really great cast. Some big names in lesser roles were introduced in cool ways. Visually nice too, so a highly recommendable movie.
- must be the first time ever that I've gone to the movies with absolutely no treats or drinks - but we were in a hurry (commercials were almost over). And at least we got to kick a bunch of grotty teenagers away from our rightfull seats (even if they were not THAT great)...