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.AUthentic or plain aussieficial

One of the many things that made an impression on me when I was in Australia, was the many long and flat roads that seemed to go on and on and on... forever.
Today I took a bike ride to the harbour where I used to go fishing and muck about with my friends, when I was a kid. Thing's sure have changed. Where we used to have access to pretty much all areas, everything is now contained behind tall fences with barbed wire. And there's been added a huge new section to the harbour as well. That's progress for ya.

- but back to the topic of long, straight aussie roads. You rarely go more than a few hundred meters down a road here in Denmark, before it bends, or goes up- or downhill. But at the new section of the harbour there's a stretch thats more than a kilometer straight out, and totally flat. It's probably the longest stretch of this kind in my town. Not much compared to australian standards, but for a little while there, it did feel a bit like the real thing...

- just before it straightens out.

- and at the end of it.