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You can take the city out of the ghetto....

...but you can't take the ghetto out of the city - apparently.

There's been a regular drive-by-shooting, less than 100 meters from my home this morning. That's freaky. Half the road was blocked while the crime scene was being investigated. Last year there was a brutal stabbing only an extra 20 meters from today's crime scene.
Speculations are that it is gang related. Gangs. In Denmark. That's just so pathetic. And where's the fuckin' honor in a cowardly drive-by-shooting anyways? What the hell is wrong with these people?
"Funny" thing is, the local tv-station has this as top news story on their website. Second news story, right below, is how things have calmed down in the ghetto. No wonder, when they take the fighting to the city center...

If that's what I wanted, I would've stayed in the ghetto, and saved the insane amounts of money you have to pay for a decent appartment in the city center.

Sheesh... Happy Birthday, Nick!