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Lego Racers - Bullet-time animation

Project ID : Lego Racers pull-back engine animation (2002)
- relocation of an older piece

Job-description :

A "teaser" for the good folks at Lego. Showing the core of the Racers - the new PullBack engine.
3D modelling, texturing, lightning/environment and animation (the cars are premodelled though). Some minor 2D touchups (for the still).

We had to figure out a way to illustrate the pullback engine inside the car(s). Used the famous "Matrix bullettime effect". Took a while to figure out how to do it right - but the answer was quite obvious.

- I should really redo the still, and add an occlusion pass.

See the animation here (3.6Mb - 640x360 Quicktime)